Action Divers
Divesites to dive with "Action Divers"
- Philippines, Mindoro, Puerto Galera
- Philippines, Mindoro, Puerto Galera
- Philippines, Mindoro, Puerto Galera
- Philippines, Mindoro, Puerto Galera
- Philippines, Mindoro, Puerto Galera
- Philippines, Mindoro, Puerto Galera
- Philippines, Mindoro, Puerto Galera
- Philippines, Mindoro, Puerto Galera
- Philippines, Mindoro, Puerto Galera
- Philippines, Mindoro, Puerto Galera
- Philippines, Mindoro, Puerto Galera
15 diver reviews Write review
A pleasant experience, about the same as expected
Average visibility. Depth of the dive 21m. Dive duration 48min. Saw Fishes, Shrimp, Lionfish.
A pleasant experience, about the same as expected
Good visibility. Depth of the dive 18m. Dive duration 44min.
A pleasant experience, about the same as expected
Average visibility. Depth of the dive 16m. Dive duration 38min. Saw Fishes.
Very good
A great experience, better than expected
Depth of the dive 19m. Dive duration 48min.
A pleasant experience, about the same as expected
Good visibility. Depth of the dive 29m. Dive duration 29min.
A pleasant experience, about the same as expected
Good visibility. Depth of the dive 13m. Dive duration 53min.
A pleasant experience, about the same as expected
Average visibility. Depth of the dive 17m. Dive duration 38min.
A pleasant experience, about the same as expected
Good visibility. Depth of the dive 23m. Dive duration 53min.
A pleasant experience, about the same as expected
Good visibility. Depth of the dive 29m. Dive duration 44min.
A pleasant experience, about the same as expected
Good visibility. Depth of the dive 13m. Dive duration 41min.