Eco Dive
Divesites to dive with "Eco Dive"
8 diver reviews Write review
A pleasant experience, about the same as expected
Average visibility. Depth of the dive 21m. Dive duration 64min. Saw Barracuda, Shrimp, Lobster, Lionfish.
Very good
A great experience, better than expected
Average visibility. Depth of the dive 7m. Dive duration 39min.
A pleasant experience, about the same as expected
Average visibility. Depth of the dive 22m. Dive duration 54min. Saw Lionfish.
A pleasant experience, about the same as expected
Good visibility. Depth of the dive 13m. Dive duration 62min.
An exceptional experience
Good visibility. Depth of the dive 16m. Dive duration 57min. Saw Worm.
Very good
A great experience, better than expected
Average visibility. Depth of the dive 23m. Dive duration 49min. Saw Lobster.
A pleasant experience, about the same as expected
Good visibility. Depth of the dive 29m. Dive duration 48min.
Very good
A great experience, better than expected
Good visibility. Depth of the dive 16m. Dive duration 45min.